Sunday, February 1, 2015

Hello and welcome to 'the Attic'

Well here I am back again.  After a break from blogging I have decided to start a new blog.

 'Grandmothers Attic' or simply 'The Attic' is where you will find me these days and as my description in the sidebars is my place to come to create.

For many years my main focus in crafting was cross stitch but I found that after well over 20 years of stitching, my interest started to fade and other crafting has taken centre stage. I made some beautiful friendships whilst stitching which I still treasure.

I love the You Tube community and the friendships I have made with like minded people and in this day and age when computers are at our fingertips I am amazed by the fact that  distance seems no barrier in creating new friendships.

Anyway.. Welcome to the Attic.  I would love you to drop by and spend some time with me either here or on YouTube  (hopefully both). I'll make us some tea, we can have a chat about this and that and I will show you the latest 'finds' from the Attic....

Until next time....


  1. Oh Chrisie how wonderful The Attic has found its way to blogger. And I so agree distance means nothing in this techno age as we have found. Big Hugs and wonderful wishes on this new blog with treasures from Grandmother's Attic.

    1. Thanks for finding me here Patti. It's taking me a while to get back into blogging mode. I blogged for years under a different name but took a break and seems I have forgotten a lot of's driving me mad that this video isn't centred lol!! Any hints?


Thanks for visiting the Attic